Thursday, 4 December 2014


These 6 storyboards showcase my planning for my music video. It features what type of shots I want to achieve and include into my music video. Another part of what makes this a successful storyboard is the detail of what shot and where. I decided to include each shot name, location and how long the edit/length of shot wiil be, as when it comes to filming my music video, my storyboard will be my guidance sheet to follow so that I can achieve what I always planned. The third box briefly tells you what part of the song the shot will be featured in. For a detailed indication of what part of the song, I have included the lines of the songs to be more specific. It's a great plan for me and to stay focus on my idea rather than changing ideas dramatically.
I think the storyboard has helped me more in progression of a clear idea. I hope to follow the storyboard throughout the producing and editing phase. As my music video balances more towards a performance root, it was hard to think about what type of performance and shots because I feel like some parts are repeated on the storyboard and the fear is to not repeat scenes in the music video as I want to display a meaning narrative behind the performance. I want o create a message of strength and determination through the use of a ballet performance. - I will hopefully visually portray that through the gradual build up of both performances (ballet and singing).

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