Thursday, 23 October 2014

Drafting Process of Ancillary Task (Magazine Album Advert)

These images are my first drafting of my magazine advert. I used InDesign CS6 to product this layout. As I have used InDesign CS6 previously for my AS coursework, I believe I am more confident in using this software to produce my ancillary tasks. Also I have developed my skills in using InDesign by learning new tasks such as in today's lesson (23rd October) I learnt how to draw a star on InDesign. At first I was struggling to find the star shape and drawing it out, however there is such a simple step to achieve this. You have to hold down the 'rectangle tool' and then click the 'Polygon Tool'. Draw the shape out but hold donw the mouse, press the 'space bar' and then using the Up, Down, Left and Right on the keyboard. If you press 'up' the points on the shape increase, if you press 'down' it will decrease the points. Press the 'left' or 'right' button to make the points shape in or out. To multiply them press the 'space bar' and then press the 'right' button as many times you want to multiply the shape.
My first draft took me 5 minutes to produce. It was a quick template which then I typed in the information soon after. In the first draft, I didn't add any text however this was my rough visualisation of how I want my magazine advert to look like.
Later on the day, In my free time I completed it by adding the reviews and adding text. In addition to that I re-arranged the texts and sizes of the text. I also created an alternative layout for this page which was another new skill I learnt instead of copying past from one page to another and having to re-arrange everything which can be time consuming.
I like the gradient effect I have used on the text 'Katy B' and 'Little Red' as these have to be outstanding for the reader.
The typography used on the text at the bottom only is on words which need to be standing out. 'Out Now' is capitalised to make it stand out to the reader also in bold and in itallics. Itallics and Bold are used on the name of the song as well.

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